Turkey: Challenges and Strategies Towards De-Carbonization and Sustainable Development Under the Age of Finance

*Bu çalışma, Tübitak-SOBAG tarafından desteklenen 121K522 nolu "Avrupa Yeşil Mutabakatı: Türkiye İçin Tehdit ve Fırsatlar, Uluslararası Kapsamlı ve Dinamik Genel Denge Analiz” başlıklı proje bulgularına dayanmaktadır.  Yazarlar, proje desteği için Tübitak_SOBAG’a teşekkür borçludur.


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The aim of this paper is to present the key challenges and structural constraints as well as potential strategies towards de-carbonization and green transformation for Turkey; and to argue that the current mode of global finance operates, in many ways, to constrain her quest for a sustainable and green industrial policy.  I cast Turkey’s conundrum onto her speculation-led growth patterns and the ongoing fossil fuel-based production cycle; and highlight the trade-offs and dilemmas of the pursuit of green abatement policies, given the logic of financialization.


Key words: de-carbonization, speculation-led growth, climate crisis, net zero emission targets, Turkey